Wednesday, September 23, 2009


She lay there on the bench in the garden filled with dappled moonlight from the purple night sky. Her long tresses reeked of a perfume so gentle it captivated his senses. Senses he didn't know existed until now. Almond shaped eyes delicately lined with kohl served to entrance him. Oozing with lust, he knew now that there was nothing he could do to keep himself away from her. Lips so moist and cherry-red, it magnetized him. Smooth as silk, the very thought of her skin against his own left shivers down his spine. Her eyes beckoned him closer and he seeked to discover the inner Garden of Eden within. Playful in the soft garden, she teased him until he caught up with her arresting self. A plethora of beauty and intensity, she was gone by the time he opened his eyes.. Vanished.

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